Bio Spill Cleanup Procedures
The following procedures are provided as a guideline to biohazardous spill clean-up and will need to be modified for specific situations. Stay calm, call 911 if necessary, and proceed with common sense. Call EHS at 355-0153 if further assistance is required, especially if the spill outgrows the resources in the laboratory. Only personnel with current biological safety training should handle spills.
- Notify others working in the area of the hazard.
- Remove spill supplies from bucket and line the bucket with a biohazard bag. Retrieve a sharps container for disposal of glass/sharps.
- Put on two layers of gloves. Put on splash goggles.
- Prepare disinfectant.
- If no sharps/broken glass move on to Step 7.
- Using tongs or forceps, place broken glass/sharps in sharps container. Use dust pan and broom for shattered glass.
- Cover the spill area with absorbent materials such as Green-Z, paper towels, SSS clean-up powder.
- Remove the absorbent material. If using a powder or solidifier, use dustpan and broom. Dispose of all absorbent materials and tools into a biohazard bag.
- Spray/apply disinfectant to the contaminated area and wait appropriate contact time.
- Remove disinfectant with paper towels and place the paper towels in the biohazard bag for disposal. If using Sani-Cloth wipes, allow for surface to air dry.
- Repeat step 9 and 10 to allow for sufficient disinfection of contaminated surfaces.
- Remove outer pair of gloves only and dispose of them in the biohazard bag.
- Remove goggles with inner gloves still on and disinfect goggles and any other items utilized in the spill response. If preferred, dispose of goggles in biohazard bag.
- Remove inner gloves and dispose of them in biohazard bag.
- Place the biohazard bag in a biohazardous waste container for treatment and disposal.
- Wash your hands with soap and water as soon as possible.
- Restock the kit for next use. (See kit contents list on reverse side of card)
Spill Kit Contents
- Roll of paper towel
- Approved EPA registered disinfectant (Sani-Cloth, Vircon, Envirocide, Rocal, Bleach, etc.)
Example: Spray bottle with bleach (and marked line to make a 10% solution) – change bleach every six months
- Biohazard bags
- Disposable broom & dustpan
- Tongs/forceps
- Absorbent powder and paper towel
- Gloves – change annually
- Splash goggles (1 pair) – check straps annually