Click Compliance System
Click is MSU's research compliance system for IRB, IACUC/Animal Operations, Biological Safety (IBC), Radiation Safety, and Stem Cell Safety. For access to other modules, and latest system status, see the ORRS Click page.
Help Desk:, 517-355-2000
Click Safety Login
Manage biosafety, radiation safety, or stem cell submissions Login
Click User Guides
Click Safety Overview introductory video for new users
System Navigation, General Tips
- Helpful Hints (8 pg PDF) tips on common issues - system navigation, searching for locations
- Basic Navigation (8 pg PDF)
- Search Buildings and Rooms (6 pg PDF)
- External Team Members (5 pg PDF)
- Researcher's Quick Reference (PDF) vendor's guide
Safety Researcher’s Guide (14 pg PDF) vendor's guide
- Create New Submission
Amend Submission
Guide: Amend Submission Guide (3 pg PDF)
Quick steps: To amend (modify) an approved submission,
- From the APPROVED submission workspace, click Create Amendment/CR button on the left column.
- On Amendment/Continuing Review page
- Select the Type of Submission:
- Amendment (Amend current safety protocol)
- Amendment/CR (Amend and submit Annual Continuing Review document)
- Continuing Review (Annual Continuing Review)
- Select Amendment Type: check both boxes to open the entire submission up for modification
- Protocol team member information
- Other parts of the protocol
- Select the Type of Submission:
- Select Amendment Introduction from the Navigation Panel, and enter
- description of the changes
- rationale for changes
Note: A system-generated unique identifier is assigned to the Amendment
- Make the other necessary edits within the various Smart Form pages, then click Exit to display the Amendment workspace again.
- Click Submit to submit this amendment to the Safety Office to be reviewed
Note: The system allows only the Principal Investigator or PI Proxy to submit the Amendment to the Safety Office.
When the amendment is approved, the changes are published into the approved (parent) submission. -
Annual Continuing Renewal
Biosafety projects must be renewed annually by creating a Continuing Review.
Guide: Continuing Review (3 pg PDF)
Quick steps: To complete the annual Continuing Review before the submission lapses,
- Once logged in to Click, select the Safety tab in the main navigation, then the Submissions tab in the sub-navigation. Select All Submissions to display all of your submissions.
- Find the submission due for annual review, and select the folder icon to the left of the submission due for Continuing Review.
Note: When Amendment is under review, a Continuing Review cannot be created. The amendment needs to be completed first and then a Continuing Review can be created. Reach out to the Click Help Desk with any issues. - When your selected submission opens, select the Create Amendment/CR button on the workspace.
- On the Amendment/Continuing Review page, set the TYPE OF SUBMISSION = CONTINUING REVIEW. Click Continue.
- On the Continuing Review Introduction page, select Continue.
- On the Safety Changes page, answer required questions, and select Continue.
- On the Safety Accidents and Problems page, answer required questions, and select Return to Workspace.
- Select Submit to send the continuing review to the Safety Office for review.
Three-Year Renewal (DeNovo Review)
Biosafety projects must go through full committee review at least every three years by creating a denovo review submission.
- Closure
Helpful Hints
General tips on navigation, searching for locations Helpful Hints Guide (PDF)
Annual Continuing Review
Annual review for Biosafety projects Continuing Review Guide (PDF)
Three-Year Renewal (Denovo Review)
Three-year review for Biosafety projects Denovo Submission Guide (PDF)
Templates, Forms
Questions, Contacts
- Click System Access
- Technical Assistance:, 517-355-2000
- Biosafety Submission
- Q & A on Biosafety Submissions
- Contact: 517-355-0153, Chris Colvin, or Jamie Willard
- Radiation Safety Submission
- Contact: 517-355-0153 or Travis Smith