Spill kits (biological and chemical) are available

Corrective actions:

Ensure a chemical spill kit and a biological spill kit is available and that employees know how to use them.

Check spill kits every 6 months to ensure all components are present, safety goggles are in good condition and disinfectants are not expired. Replace components as necessary.

Document the date the kits were verified.

Since spills of biological materials will happen, it is important to be prepared prior to dealing with the problem. Laboratories working with biohazards should have a basic biological spill kit ready to use at all times. For most instances the basic kit can be assembled with materials already used in the laboratory. All labs operating at BSL-2 or higher must have an assembled spill kit available in the lab. In BSL-1 labs, although it is preferable to have the contents of the spill kit in one location, as long as the materials are easily accessible to everyone in the lab, prior assembly might not be necessary. Ready assembled spill kits are available for a fee through the EHS.

Biological spill kits should, minimally, contain:

  • Disinfectant bottle (e.g., bleach 1:10 dilution, prepared fresh)
  • Absorbent material (e.g., paper towels, absorbent powder)
  • Waste container (e.g., biohazard bags, sharps containers)
  • Personal protective equipment (e.g., gloves, eye and face protection)
  • Mechanical tools (e.g., tongs, dustpan and broom)
  • Spill clean-up procedures
  • Barrier tape

Biological Spill Cleanup Procedures

Chemical spill kits should, minimally, contain:

  • Splash resistant goggles
  • Chemical resistant gloves
  • Plastic bags
  • Multi-chemical sorbent (enough for 2-gallon spill)
  • Scooper

Additional information:

A chemical spill kit is required for labs that work with hazardous chemicals. In addition, labs that work with BSL-2 organisms need a biological spill kit.  

Spill kits must be checked every 6 months to ensure all components are present, in good condition and within expiration date and date of verification recorded.

All spills must be cleaned by personnel who are properly trained and have the proper equipment to handle infectious materials and hazardous chemicals.


  • MSU Biosafety and Security Manual
  • MSU Bloodborne Exposure Control Plan
  • MSU Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • OSHA Standard 1910.1450 App A