EHS Laboratory Safety Recognition Awards

2023 Recipients

Katrina Linning-Duffy- Psychology

Katrina Linning-Duffy is an Outstanding Multi-Lab Manager. Her exceptional organizational skills are evident in the spaces under her management. Within the laboratory workspaces, safety information is prominently displayed, and the personal protective equipment is conveniently accessible for completing tasks. Katrina Linning-Duffy has implemented EHS-recommended resources to assure proper chemical compatibility, storage requirements, and hazard communication.

Mojgan Nejad- Forestry

The Nejad lab has an Outstanding Ability to Embrace Suggestions for Improvement. Working with their department Research Lab and Equipment Coordinator, Kory McIntosh, the Nejad lab has implemented guidance from previous inspection. They minimized the volumes and quantities of chemicals stored in the lab spaces allowing for increased workspace, and ability to properly segregate and store remaining chemicals. The Nejad lab has embraced the inspection process, with active participation of multiple lab members. Corrections were promptly made and communicated to our team.

Andre Bachmann- Pediatrics and Human Development

Dr. Bachmann has an Outstanding 100% Compliant Laboratory. In addition to achieving 100% compliance on our lab safety inspection, the lab Research Assistant, Chad Schultz, had many great questions during the inspection that indicated their eagerness to embrace safety practices in the laboratory.

Jeffrey Swada- Food Science and Human Nutrition 

Dr. Swada has an Outstanding 100% Compliant Laboratory. His vigilance and commitment to safety have achieved remarkable results, with zero findings recorded during laboratory inspections for the past two years. The teaching space under his supervision is impeccably organized and maintained, reflecting his proactive approach to seeking optimal solutions to ensure compliance and safety standards are met.

Erika Lisabeth- Pharmacology and Toxicology

Erika Lisabeth's Assay Development and Drug Repurposing Core lab has a remarkable reputation for its meticulous organization. Erika herself has a unique combination of expertise, exceptional communication abilities, and hands-on laboratory experience. Her proactive and positive approach to safety is unmatched, as she promptly addresses any identified issues with efficiency and diligence. Dr. Lisabeth has an Outstanding Laboratory.

Jose Cibelli- Animal Science 

Dr. Jose Cibelli has an Outstanding Laboratory. Under the dedicated leadership of Dr. Cibelli, the lab has consistently made safety a key component of its work environment. The diligence and dedication of lab members during the inspection in ensuring safety standards are truly outstanding. Each member demonstrates a high level of focus on safety protocols and takes proactive measures to ensure the safety of themselves and their colleagues.

Elena Demireva and Huirong Xie- Research Technology Support Facility

Dr. Demireva and Dr. Xie lead the Transgenic and Genome Editing Facility with exemplary commitment to safety. Their proactive approach and receptiveness to feedback, promptly addressing any identified concerns, are truly remarkable. Their Outstanding Laboratory stands out for their proactive and preventive safety practices, setting a high standard for others to follow.

Brian Wright – Electrical and Computer Engineering

Brian Wright is an Outstanding Multi-Lab Manager and a wonderful asset to the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. He effectively coordinates safety procedures and ensures research labs have access to safety guidance in an organized and uniform manner. In addition, he facilitates inspections by ensuring we have an updated list of researchers and spaces and assists with access when needed.

Andrea Amalfitano – Microbiology, Genetics, Immunology

Dr. Amalfitano has an Outstanding Laboratory. Sarah Roosa is a wonderful lab manager. She has a great attitude during inspections and is proactive about safety within the research space. Sarah seeks guidance on best practices to ensure the continued safety of their research and keeps the lab space well organized. 

Hyojin (Kelly) Kim and Benjamin Orlando – Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Jay Jayawardana and Melanie Orlando manage the research space in an amazing way, and they have great support from Hyojin Kim and Ben Orlando. The space is organized with spaces designated for specific and hazards. The cohesive nature of the two labs working within the shared space is a great example for others.  The Kim and Orlando lab has implemented an exceptional Cohesive Approach to Laboratory Safety.  

Courtney Carignan – Food Science and Human Nutrition

Coutney Carignan’s dedication to safety goes beyond regulatory requirements and is reflective of her commitment to the well-being of her team. She asks pertinent questions about safety and is forthcoming with her on-going and upcoming research to ensure the safety of her team. Her maintenance of a well-organized space ensures the environment is safer for everyone that shares the space.  Dr. Carignan has an Outstanding Laboratory!

Andras Komaromy – Small Animal Clinical Sciences

Dr. Komaromy has an Outstanding Laboratory. Christine Harman manages the research space, which sees students and other labs, in a way that ensures all who enter are safe. In addition to the required safety signage, she has created tags that flag chemicals that require PPE beyond what is generally worn. The lab space is meticulously organized creating a safer environment for all who use it. 

Past Recipients

  • 2022 Recipients

    Barry Bradford - Animal Science

    Dr. Bradford has an Outstanding Laboratory. The Bradford lab has an excellent lab manager in Laman Mamedova. She is friendly and proactive in addressing issues during inspections. It is always important to have competent and responsible lab managers who can effectively manage the day-to-day operations of a laboratory and ensure that it complies with regulations and best practices. Dr. Bradford's lab is in good hands with Laman in charge.

    Sarah Lebeis - Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences

    Dr. Lebeis has an Outstanding Cohesive Approach to Lab Safety. Dr. Lebeis and all lab members participated in the inspection process and worked hard to fix as many items as possible. They were open to discussing any issues identified in shared space with the other labs responsible for the shared space, which demonstrates a willingness to work collaboratively with others to address any concerns. This type of open communication and whole lab involvement in the inspection process demonstrate a commitment to maintaining a safe and efficient laboratory environment.

    Guo-Qing Song - Horticulture

    Dr. Song had an Outstanding 100% Compliant Laboratory. Dr. Song is an active participant in the inspection process, which helps ensure all the necessary compliance measures are met. Dr. Song implemented guidance from previous inspections effectively, leading to a successful outcome this year. Achieving 100% compliance is a significant accomplishment, and it is a testament to Dr. Song's hard work and commitment to following best practices.

    Nancy Raney - Animal Science

    Nancy Raney is an Outstanding Multi-Lab Manager. She is a phenomenal laboratory coordinator whose ability to ensure safety and compliance, regardless of which principal investigator she is working with, is impressive. Nancy Raney’s dedication to maintaining a safe and organized laboratory is exactly what we look for in a laboratory coordinator.

    Shalee Drake - Precision Health Program

    Shay Drake is an Outstanding Multi-Lab Manager. She is an exceptional laboratory coordinator whose ability to listen and act on our safety suggestions is truly outstanding. She utilized the suggestions and resources given by EHS to set up systems to ensure regulatory compliance and chemical compatibility within the Precision Health Program’s vast and diverse space.

    Sibel Uludag-Demirer - Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering

    Dr. Uludag-Demirer is an Outstanding Lab Manager. Her commitment to safety reflects in the organization of the lab and the training she provides to students. Sibel makes sure that safety rules are followed but foremost understood by all lab members and keeps an open line of communication with EHS.

    Tyler Cocker - Physics Astronomy

    Dr. Cocker has an Outstanding Cohesive Approach to Lab Safety. Dr. Cocker’s leadership in running a safe and organized laser lab that is shared beyond his own research group is outstanding. His approach to incorporating regulation and EHS policy ensures that all users are well-equipped to work safely and effectively. His personalized site-specific training and labeling allows unaccustomed users to work safely and efficiently within his space.

    Mike Koschmider - Mechanical Engineering

    Mike Koschmider is an Outstanding Lab Manager. His efforts to clean and organize the Mechanical Engineering Teaching Space have not only created a more spacious environment for students to work in, but also increased the safety of the space by purging old chemicals and opening walkways for movement. By taking the initiative to improve the teaching space, he has made a positive impact on the safety of the space and is an example for others to follow.

    Srinand Sreevatsan - Veterinary Medicine

    Dr. Sreevatsan has an Outstanding Laboratory. The lab’s commitment to safety is commendable.  It is evident through the focus on safety during each inspection, and the consistent implementation of safety guidelines across the diverse research; staff and the numerous spaces utilized. The culture of safety within this group is what we look to encourage across campus.

    Therese Poland - Entomology, Agriculture and Natural Resources 

    Dr. Poland has an Outstanding Lab.  Toby Petrice’s implementation of safety guidance given during previous inspections is exceptional. He used the opportunity to purge old chemicals and organize the space, creating a safer environment.  Louise Daquila joined the inspection this year. She and Toby were dedicated to ensuring the space was safe and efficient to work in as well as clean and organized. They are responsible and conscientious lab members who take pride in maintaining a safe and efficient work environment.

    Susanne Hoffman-Benning - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 

    The Hoffman-Benning lab has an Outstanding Ability to Embrace Suggestions for Improvement. Dr. Hoffman-Benning embraced and implemented the guidance from the previous inspection. She used the inspection as incentive to clean out unneeded chemicals and materials.  The cleanout allowed the lab to organize work space and discard hazardous materials creating a safer work environment.

    Matthew Schrenk - Earth and Environmental Sciences 

    Dr. Schrenk has an Outstanding Laboratory. Dr. Schrenk was an active participant in the inspection process. He implemented suggestions for improvement provided at previous inspections. He actively works to develop a safety culture within his laboratory through effective communication. A person with minimal specific knowledge of the space could navigate it safely by following the posted communication. He actively seeks out information to ensure that he is maintaining a safe laboratory.

    Erik Runkle - Horticulture

    Dr. Runkle has an Outstanding Laboratory. Dr. Runkle and Dr. Lopez have shared lab space managed by Annika Kohler. This space benefited from a clean out of unneeded chemicals. Only those chemicals needed to perform currently active research were maintained. This made it easy to segregate incompatible chemicals and create a safer workspace for everyone. This shared lab group is working hard to create a culture of safety through organization and communication.

    Roberto Lopez - Horticulture

    Dr. Lopez has an Outstanding Laboratory. Dr. Runkle and Dr. Lopez have shared lab space managed by Annika Kohler. This space benefited from a clean out of unneeded chemicals. Only those chemicals needed to perform currently active research were maintained. This made it easy to segregate incompatible chemicals and create a safer workspace for everyone. This shared lab group is working hard to create a culture of safety through organization and communication.

    Rufus Isaacs - Entomology, Agriculture and Natural Resources

    Dr. Isaacs has an Outstanding Laboratory. The lab actively works to develop a safety culture within the laboratory.   Jacquelyn Perkins was an active participant and receptive to suggestions for safety improvements throughout the inspection. The lab’s corrective actions were thorough and complete. The lab strives for and can be held as a positive example of effective communication and continuous improvement.


  • 2021 Recipients
    Dr. Yanlyang Pan- Civil and Environmental Engineering

    Dr. Pan is an Outstanding Multi-Lab Manager.  He does an outstanding job managing multiple Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering laboratories in the Engineering Research Complex. He is instrumental in assuring that lab safety requirements are understood and followed.

    Aaron Walworth – Packaging

    Mr. Walworth is an Outstanding Multi-Lab Manager.  He oversees all of the packaging laboratories and is clearly focused on regulatory compliance.  He maintains organization while supporting multiple Principal Investigators in the department. He ensured that inspectors had access to all necessary spaces. He was familiar with all the research occurring in the spaces and could answer lab-specific compliance questions for each PI.

    Dr. Jetze Tepe- Chemistry 

    Dr. Tepe has an Outstanding Laboratory. He has a well-organized laboratory, he and his students have actively sought out methods for improving lab safety.  Dr. Tepe always meets with the EHS inspector and returns his corrective actions (if any!) promptly, often having the issues corrected before we leave the lab. 
    Dr. Stephanie Watts- Pharmacology and Toxicology Department

    Dr. Watts has an Outstanding Cohesive Approach to Lab Safety. The lab had a really wonderful whole-lab approach to safety. Everyone clearly understood how to access things and could answer questions. A clear commitment to lab safety culture and a cohesive approach was apparent.
    Dr. Jamie Bernard- Pharmacology and Toxicology

    Dr. Bernard had an Outstanding 100% Compliant Laboratory. While there have been other 100% compliant labs, the laboratory organization and receptiveness of the lab technician made this lab a standout.

    Dr. Brian Schutte- Microbiology and Molecular Genetics

    The Schutte lab has an Outstanding Ability to Embrace Suggestions for Improvement. This laboratory really embraced our suggestions for improvement.  The technician used the inspection process as an opportunity to dispose of all unneeded materials and samples.  The lab was able to completely transform. The cleanout allowed them to really organize the work space creating a safer work environment.
    Amy Porter- Investigative Histopathology Laboratory

    Amy Porter has an Outstanding MSU Core Facility. The Investigative Histopathology at MSU under the management of Amy Porter makes safety a priority despite the large volume of samples and the diversity of work done. From chemical management to waste handling, Amy and the employees of the lab make sure that everything is correctly labeled and handled on a daily basis.
    Dr. Berkley Walker- Department of Plant Biology
    Dr. Walker has an Outstanding Lab. The entire Walker lab from PI, to lab manager, to postdocs and graduate students demonstrated great interest in the inspection process and discussion of lab safety during the EHS visit. This cohesive behavior demonstrated the type of relationship EHS wants to build with the research community to create a strong safety culture.

    Dr. Shannon Manning- Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department

    Dr. Manning has an Outstanding Lab. Dr. Manning’s commitment to safety is a constant part of her tenure. This reflects in the organization of the lab despite the large number of spaces and the complexity of work done.  She has had an open line of communication with EHS that we aspire every lab at MSU will take advantage of.

    Dr. Lisa Tiemann -Plant Soil and Microbial Sciences

    The Tiemann laboratory has Outstanding Student and Post-Doc Involvement. The enthusiasm and receptiveness of Sarah, Kristin and Violeta during the inspection process was evident. They took on the responsibility to not only clean and organize the spaces but also to better the lab and improve the safety for everyone.