SOPs are present for high hazardous chemicals

Corrective actions:

Create a SOP for working with hazardous chemicals that fall outside of the chemical hygiene plan and discuss with lab personnel all safety steps required for properly handling them. EHS has a template for writing these SOP that can be found on the website at Standard Operating Procedures. 

SOPs for the following items must be submitted to and approved by the EHS Chemical Safety Team: 

  • Perchloric Acid: The use of perchloric acid is strictly controlled at MSU. Heated perchloric acid can create potentially explosive perchlorate salts that deposit on equipment and ventilation elements. All labs using or storing perchloric acid will be required to follow all the requirements outlined at Perchloric Acid 
  • Hydrofluoric Acid: Users of hydrofluoric acid must follow MSU guidelines when using and storing this compound. This includes always having a readily accessible and well-stocked HF exposure kit on hand. Training is through the EHS Chemical Safety Team and all lab members must be trained even if they do not work with it. More information can be found at Hydrofluoric Acid 

Guidelines for creating other commonly needed SOPs can be found below on the website for Chemical Hygiene: Standard Operating Procedures. For example: 

  • Acid/Base baths 
  • 5 gallons or more of flammable solvents to be dispensed into smaller containers 
  • Hydrogen gas 
  • Osmonium tetroxide 
  • Toxic Gases 
  • Isopropyl ether 
  • 3D printers 
  • Nanomaterials 

Develop and follow SOPs for work involving highly toxic compounds, potentially dangerous equipment, and highly reactive chemicals. Discuss with lab employees and students the SOPs for each task/experiment. Make paper or electronic copies readily available for consultation. 

If consultation is needed contact MSU EHS directly at 517-355-0153.

Additional information:

To ensure that the safety of lab members is a priority PIs need to develop SOPs when working with highly hazardous chemicals that are not covered by MSU’s Chemical Hygiene Plan and train personnel on performing safe experiments. 

Templates for common laboratory processes that require an SOP can be found here: Standard Operating Procedures


  • MSU Chemical Hygiene Plan 5.1.4
  • OSHA Standard 1910.1450 App A.