Closed doors when wet procedures are in progress, or closed and locked when no one is present

Corrective actions:

Always lock doors when no one is in the lab and keep doors shut when performing work. Question anyone requesting access to the laboratory as to their purpose and require proof of identification.

Additional information:

Doors have locks to restrict entrance and the Principal Investigator (PI) limits access to the lab to individuals who meet specific entry requirements. Lab personnel enforce controlled access to the laboratory. When procedures are in progress the lab door is shut and when no one is present in the lab, the doors are locked. Anyone requesting access to the laboratory is questioned as to their purpose and identification is provided.

Doors should be shut as buildings are designed to maintain negative directional air flow from the corridor to the labs, if doors are left open, the building’s ability to do so may be compromised.


  • Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories, 6th Edition (BMBL 6th ed). Section IV: BSL2 A.1, D.1.
  • MSU Chemical Hygiene Plan. Section 5.1.3.
  • MSU Biosafety and Security Manual
  • MSU Bloodborne Exposure Control Plan