
AST: Aboveground Storage Tank

BMP: Best Management Practices

CERCLA: Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act

CSI: Contaminant Source Inventory

CWA: Clean Water Act

DNAPL's: Dense Non Aqueous Phase Liquids

EHS: Environmental Health & Safety

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

GAAMP's: Generally Accepted Agricultural and Management Practices

GIS: Geographic Information System

GPS: Global Positioning System

IPF: Infrastructure Planning & Facilities

LNAPL's: Light Non Aqueous Phase Liquids

LUST: Leaking Underground Storage Tank

MDEQ: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

MSDS: Material Safety Data Sheet

PPB: Parts Per Billion

PPM: Parts Per Million

PPT: Parts Per Trillion

PWSS: Public Water Supply System

SDWA: Safe Drinking Water Act

SOPs: Standard Operating Procedures

TCRPC: Tri-County Regional Planning Commission

TOT: Time of Travel

U.S.G.S.: United States Geological Survey

UST: Underground Storage Tank

WHPA: Wellhead Protection Area

WHPP: Wellhead Protection Program