Air Protection

  • Regulatory Background
    The Clean Air Act (CAA) has evolved from a set of principles to guide States in controlling sources of air pollution to a series of detailed control requirements that the federal government implements and the States administer. CAA has historically regulated air pollution sources through three primary programs: 1) ambient air quality regulation of new and existing sources through emission limits contained in state implementation plans (SIP's); 2) more stringent control technology and permitting requirements for new sources; and 3) specific pollution problems, including hazardous air pollutants (HAP's) and visibility impairment. The 1990 amendments to CAA not only modified these three programs, but also addressed new air pollutants and added a fourth category- a comprehensive operating permit program. The comprehensive operating permit program helps to establish in one place all CAA requirements that apply to a given stationary source of air emissions. The EGLE Part 55 Air Rules, approved by the EPA, regulate air emissions and require permits for major sources.
  • MSU's Permits, Responsibilities

    MSU is classified as a major source and emissions units on campus are regulated under the EGLE Renewable Operating Permit (ROP). The ROP requires specific operational controls and operational conditions. Potential emission must also be evaluated.

    MSU also manages CFC refrigerants under EPA's Title VI program to determine whether regulatory controls and rules apply.

  • Regulatory References