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Take Your Child to Work Day: Safety Tips

March 15, 2023 - G. Cottrell

The WorkLife Office is pleased to announce the return of the highly attended Take Your Child to Work Day on Thursday, April 27, 2023, which is in connection with the National Take Your Sons and Daughters to Work Day. MSU employees are encouraged to bring their child, or a special child in their life, to celebrate the many career, educational and entertainment events we offer right here at MSU! This year’s theme is “Working Better Together.”

Registration & Preparation

Check in advance that your Department and your supervisor are comfortable with children in your facilities. It’s important that you honor your division’s policies on children in the workplace. There may be safety or security issues in neighboring areas that need to be respected. Please visit the Take Your Child to Work Day webpage to register.

  1. Although not required, EHS encourages you to pre-register your guests with the WorkLife Office at this link:
  2. Departments should also indicate their intent to participate by registering here:

Lab Safety Tips

  1. You must accompany your child at all times throughout their visit to any areas on campus. Don’t assume another MSU staff member can take responsibility for your child/children. If you plan to take more than one child to the event, it is recommended that you arrange for a second adult to accompany one of your children to the event.
  2. Plan ahead! Do a sweep of your office or laboratory the night before to make sure anything hazardous or dangerous is safely out of the way. Cordon off areas of your office that may contain equipment, chemicals, biohazards or machinery that can’t be secured for the day. Make your colleagues aware of your special visitor and keep kids away from others and their workspaces.
  3. For laboratory and research spaces, make sure all hazardous and biohazardous waste containers are closed and inaccessible to any guests in your lab. The same goes for chemicals, biohazards, human/animal pathogens, controlled substances, radioisotopes and human derived materials – they must be made inaccessible during the time your children are with you in the lab. Children should not be permitted in rodent colony facilities, due to security issues.
  4. Keep an eye on the eyewash – and the safety shower, too. Those shiny handles are almost too irresistible not to pull – let your kids know that it’s not OK to set them off unless it’s an emergency.
  5. Your kids will be curious about the tools you use - but use discretion when letting them explore. Don’t let them handle tools or equipment that could present mechanical, electrical or chemical/biological hazards – ensure they are deemed safe for their use

Take Your Child to Work Day promotional image: Thursday, April 27