EHS Safety Portal Upgrade
March 14, 2021
MSU's Environmental Health & Safety has completed of a significant redesign of the EHS Safety Portal which houses important safety-related processes. This project is two-phased with the initial effort focused on redesign of the database and user screens.
What Changed?
In the new EHS Safety Portal, all requests and views are accessible after login from a single page which will be available on the EHS website home page and footer starting March 15th.
- waste pickup requests (chemical/hazardous, radioactive, incinerator)
- supplies/materials requests (radioactive materials, dosimeters, labels, door signs)
- laser registration
- asbestos survey search
The new EHS Safety Portal uses MSU NetID for login. Old Principal Investigator logins (access codes) no longer work. Per MSU policy, login credentials cannot be shared.
User designated as Principal Investigators will have access to register lasers and order radioactive materials (if approved in Click). Additionally, personnel listed as authorized users on an approved Click project will have access to order radioactive materials.
See the EHS Safety Portal page for frequent questions & answers, or email