Regulatory Updates for Waste Generators

September 13, 2020 - S. Horn, B. Smith

Quick Reference Guide for Hazardous Waste Satellite Accumulation Areas Sign

The State of Michigan Department of Energy, Great Lakes, and Environment (EGLE) adopted into law the EPA’s Generator Improvements Rule, effective August 3, 2020. As part of these new rules, generators (i.e. MSU owned and operated campus, and off-campus labs, clinics, farms, and other locations) are required to post a Quick Reference Guide for Emergency Response procedures in all designated Satellite Accumulation Areas for hazardous waste.

EHS staff have placed the signs on the inside of the entry door to the laboratory and other hazardous waste storage areas on campus, and are working on supplying off campus locations with appropriate signage. Signs must be posted in these locations for ease of identification during an federal and/or state hazardous waste inspection.

If you notice that your hazardous waste storage area does not have a Quick Reference Guide sign posted, please contact EHS Waste Staff with the number of signs needed.

Waste Accumulation Sign


Updated MSU Waste Materials Pick Up Tag

Due to new Hazardous Waste regulations from Michigan EGLE, all hazardous waste must now be characterized by appropriate Hazard Class while being generated. EHS Waste staff has created a new waste tag to comply with these regulations. Lab and other support personnel must check the box(es) of the appropriate hazard as the waste is accumulated.

If your lab needs a stock supply of new Hazardous Waste tags, please contact EHS Waste staff and indicate how many tags you need, or request tags with your next hazardous waste request.

If you have old waste tags that do not have these Hazard Class checkboxes at the bottom, please save them for EHS staff to collect and begin using the new tags immediately.

waste tag with bottom portion highlighted


COVID-19 & 90-Day Accumulation Limit

The 90-day accumulation limit for chemical waste and sharps containers is still in effect during the pandemic. EHS does understand the challenges related to this, but please plan ahead in order to adhere to this requirement. Submit an online pickup request as promptly as possible.